Fort Worth FedEx Delivery Truck Accident Lawyer
Legal Options for Those Injured in FedEx Delivery Truck Accidents
Federal Express, which is more commonly known as FedEx, has a reputation for delivering packages quickly while providing good service to customers. However, the company has been forced to keep up with increasing levels of demand as more people order products online and more individuals and businesses ship items to others. As FedEx delivery drivers are tasked with meeting these demands and delivering items as quickly as possible, they may act negligently and put others at risk. Accidents involving FedEx delivery vehicles can occur for a variety of reasons, and people who are injured in these accidents will need to determine what they can do to address the damages they have suffered.
Following a FedEx delivery vehicle accident in Fort Worth, Texas, it is important to seek the help of an experienced attorney as soon as possible. At Delivery Driver Accident Attorney, Operated by the Law Office of Jerry D. Andrews, P.C., we understand how difficult and overwhelming these situations can be for accident victims and their families. We have years of experience helping people who were injured due to the negligence of delivery drivers, and we are here to help guide you through every step of your personal injury claim. With our knowledge and experience on your side, you can rest assured that we will provide the support you need as you seek compensation from FedEx or other parties who were responsible for your injuries.
Potential Causes of FedEx Delivery Accidents in Fort Worth
FedEx drivers spend long shifts behind the wheel, and there are a number of issues that can increase the risks of accidents during these shifts. Some common causes of FedEx delivery driver accidents include:
- Speeding and other traffic violations - FedEx drivers may engage in a number of unsafe driving behaviors as they attempt to follow tight schedules and deliver packages within precise windows of time. Drivers may exceed speed limits in order to get to their destinations more quickly, or they may act recklessly by disobeying traffic signals, passing other vehicles illegally, following too closely behind other vehicles, or refusing to respect the right of way of other drivers, pedestrians, or bicyclists. Due to the large size of FedEx delivery vehicles, these actions can result in dangerous collisions that may cause devastating damage and life-threatening injuries.
- Distracted driving - FedEx drivers are required to navigate complex environments and respond quickly to traffic changes while operating their delivery vehicles. Anything that takes a driver's attention away from the road could cause them to miss important details and become involved in a collision. The most common distractions come from the use of cell phones or other electronic devices as drivers review information about delivery routes or look up directions to their next stops. However, there are numerous other types of dangerous distractions that may affect delivery drivers, including eating and drinking or checking on items within the vehicle.
- Driver fatigue - Long shifts, demanding schedules, and the physical labor involved in delivering packages can cause FedEx drivers to become excessively tired while operating their vehicles. Fatigue can impair a driver's judgment and reaction time, reducing their ability to recognize hazards or take the necessary actions to avoid collisions.
- Vehicle maintenance - If a FedEx delivery vehicle is not in proper working condition, parts may break down, causing a driver to lose control and collide with others. If vehicles have not been adequately maintained or have defective parts, the risks of an accident can increase significantly. In some cases, FedEx or other parties may be liable for failing to ensure that a vehicle was properly maintained and safe to drive.
Establishing liability for a FedEx delivery vehicle accident can sometimes be a complex matter. Even if a delivery driver was responsible for causing a collision, their classification as an employee or independent contractor may affect whether victims will be able to pursue compensation from FedEx or other parties. An experienced attorney can review the circumstances of a case, identify the liable parties, and help victims take legal action to recover compensation for the damages they have suffered.
Contact Our Fort Worth FedEx Delivery Driver Accident Attorney
At Delivery Driver Accident Attorney, Operated by the Law Office of Jerry D. Andrews, P.C., we provide effective legal representation for people who have been injured in accidents with FedEx drivers. We can help you determine your best options for receiving the financial compensation you need to address the injuries you have suffered, your financial losses, and other ways you have been affected. Contact us today at 469-461-4870 to set up a free consultation and learn more about how we can assist you following a FedEx delivery accident in Fort Worth, TX.